Julie, Brandon and I went to the park and just played around. I had a great time and I think we got some cool shots. They were great subjects, very relaxed and at ease in front of the camera. I can't wait to photoshop the rest of them!!!! Thanks J and B for letting my play!!!
This is a toy airplane that Shawn's dad made for him when he was about Preston's age. So it's kinda special! Well BOTH boys love to play with it, and of course the second that Preston sees Cameron with it, he has a fit! Ohhh it's just beginning. But on a side note....today while Cameron was sleeping Preston went into the hall and I hear Preston saying "I"M COMING" quite loudly...I think he is talking to me...but he isn't....he's talking to Cameron, and he marches into Cameron's room and says "it's okay buddy, go back to sleep" all while putting his pacifier back in his mouth! I almost died. HE DOES LOVE HIS BROTHER! every mom needs those moments once in a while, to reinforce something we hope happens in our kids lives. Those occasional kisses and hugs he gives his brother, melt my heart! I love my boys!!!
Pool time! It's been unbelievably hot here. AND THE HUMIDITY...so we've been in the pool everyday, sometimes two or three times a day. How sad is our family pic, that I had to set up on a chair. We really need to take some REAL family pictures!
We decided to take the boys down to the harbor to the Maritime Museum. They were having a PIRATE exhibit on one of the boats. We even got to go on a 30 min boat ride around the harbor. Cameron got sea sick and puked on the Pirate ship...Preston of course thought he died and went to Pirate heaven. he enjoyed himself tremendously. As you can see he brought home a souvenir. He didn't want to take it off for anything!
Impromptu photoshoot. The light was coming in so nicely through the doors that I couldn't resist. And with subjects like these??? Well!! I can't help but be sad about the picture of Preston...he looks SOOO grown up and soo tough. I can't believe he is three! Wow how time flies.
I can't take it! I believe my kid is so cute that I can't stop taking pictures of him. He doesn't particularly like being on his tummy, so he kept rolling onto his back, see number two!!! On his way down. There is nothing better than babies in hats. I just love it!!! So here is my little Cameron doing what he does best...being CUTE!
These are some of the cuties I had the pleasure of taking pictures of. I adore my friends for bringing their uber cute kiddos over for me to play with!
I just started making digital cards. I am having so much fun using my scrapbooking creativity and adding it with my photography. It's opened a new world for me! Here are some samples that I've done, and one for a friend. How cute are her kids? I hope to be doing many more in the next few months.
My name is Melissa and I live in Bakersfield with my husband and two boys Preston and Cameron, which are my inspiration for life and photography. I have a passion for photography and am blessed that I can stay at home with my boys and pursue my love for photography.